This country profile was migrated from the legacy system and the new text is under consideration of the respective government authorities.

Policing overview: As a result of the "General Framework Agreement", initiated at Dayton on 21 November 1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into two entities, the Republic Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, both having their own law enforcement agencies. Brcko was established as a district in 1999 under the exclusive sovereignty of the State of Bosnia-Herzegovina, with district authorities consisting of the District Assembly, a multi-ethnic government, police force and judiciary.

Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. General Information
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established at the state level in February 2003. This Ministry is composed of the following administrative organizations: Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), Service for foreigner’s affairs and Bureau for cooperation with Interpol.

2. Functions and Competencies
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for:

  • protection of international borders, domestic border crossings and traffic regulation at BiH border crossings;
  • prevention and tracing of perpetrators of criminal offences of terrorism, drug trafficking, counterfeiting of domestic and foreign currencies and trafficking in persons, and of other criminal offences with an international or inter-Entity element;
  • international co-operation in all areas within the remit of the Ministry;
  • protection of persons and facilities;
  • collection and use of data relevant for security of BiH;
  • organization and harmonization of the activities of the Entity Ministries of Internal Affairs and of the District of Brčko of BiH in accomplishing the tasks of security in the interest of BiH;
  • meeting of international obligations and co-operation in carrying out of civil defense, co-ordination of activities of the Entity civil defense services in BiH and harmonization of their plans in the event of natural or other disasters afflicting BiH, and adoption of protection and rescue plans and programs;
  • implementing BiH immigration and asylum policy and regulating procedures concerning movement and stay of aliens in BiH.

3. Structure and Organization
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina is composed of several organizational units, as indicated in the attached organizational chart.

4. Ministry Staff
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina employs 159 civil servants, out of which 50 % are women.

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Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. General Information
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established at the state level in February 2003. This Ministry is composed of the following administrative organizations: Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), Service for foreigner’s affairs and Bureau for cooperation with Interpol.

2. Functions and Competencies
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for:

  • protection of international borders, domestic border crossings and traffic regulation at BiH border crossings;
  • prevention and tracing of perpetrators of criminal offences of terrorism, drug trafficking, counterfeiting of domestic and foreign currencies and trafficking in persons, and of other criminal offences with an international or inter-Entity element;
  • international co-operation in all areas within the remit of the Ministry;
  • protection of persons and facilities;
  • collection and use of data relevant for security of BiH;
  • organization and harmonization of the activities of the Entity Ministries of Internal Affairs and of the District of Brčko of BiH in accomplishing the tasks of security in the interest of BiH;
  • meeting of international obligations and co-operation in carrying out of civil defense, co-ordination of activities of the Entity civil defense services in BiH and harmonization of their plans in the event of natural or other disasters afflicting BiH, and adoption of protection and rescue plans and programs;
  • implementing BiH immigration and asylum policy and regulating procedures concerning movement and stay of aliens in BiH.

3. Structure and Organization
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina is composed of several organizational units, as indicated in the attached organizational chart.

4. Ministry Staff
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina employs 159 civil servants, out of which 50 % are women.

5. Education / Training
Training Centre as an organizational unit of BiH Border police was established on 28 May 2001. It conducts basic and advanced trainings for Border police members.

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State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA)

1. General Information 
State Investigation and Protection Agency is the first police agency at state level, established in 2002 as Information and Protection Agency. In 2004, its name was changed into State Investigation and Protection Agency which in accordance with the Law on State Investigation and Protection Agency and other regulations performs tasks within its jurisdiction throughout the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2. Functions and Competencies
Within the area of its legally determined jurisdiction, SIPA deals with:

  • prevention, detection and investigations of organized crime,
  • terrorism and illegal trade - ABHO,
  • war crimes and acts punishable according to the international war and humanitarian law,
  • trafficking in human beings
  • prevention of money laundering,
  • as well as all other crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court of B&H,
  • assistance to the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • physical and technical protection of people, of buildings and other property protected under the Law on SIPA;
  • witness protection.

3. Structure and Organization 
State Investigation and Protection Agency is composed of the following departments and units :

  • Director’s cabinet
  • Criminal Investigative Department
  • Financial Intelligence Department
  • Center for War Crimes Investigations
  • Witness Protection Department
  • Department for Protection of Persons and Objects
  • Internal Control Department
  • Special Support Unit
  • Operational Support Services
  • Administration and Internal Support Services
  • Material and Financial Affairs Service
  • Regional office in Banjaluka
  • Regional office in Mostar
  • Regional office in Sarajevo
  • Regional office in Tuzla

4. SIPA Staff 
State Investigation and Protection Agency currently employs over 850 staff.

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Service for Foreigners Affairs

1. General Information
Service for Foreigners Affairs was created by Law on Service for Foreigners Affairs and started to work on 01 October 2006. Service is an administrative organization within the Ministry of Security of B&H with operative independence due to solving administrative and legal, and inspection matters prescribed by Law on Movement and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum.

2. Functions and Competencies 
Competencies of the Service for Foreigners Affairs include administrative tasks regulated by the Law on Movement and Stay of Foreigners and Asylum, as follows:

  • registration of residence or change of residence of foreign nationals,
  • issuance/withdrawal of identification and travel documents to aliens,
  • verification of guarantee letters and invitations,
  • annulment of visas for aliens,
  • issuance of residence stickers for aliens,
  • matters concerning asylum claims,
  • approval on and extension of temporary/permanent residence,
  • cancellation of temporary/permanent residence and detention of aliens,
  • expulsion of aliens,
  • dealing with documentation and its registration regulated by the Law on Movement and Stay of Aliens and Asylum and registration under jurisdiction of the Service.

3. Structure and organization
Internal organization of Service is as follows:

Main office includes:

  1. Service Administration
  2. Sector for operational support and administrative/legal matters
  3. Sector for readmission, reception and accommodation of aliens,
  4. Sector for legal, personnel, general, financial, technical affairs and information technologies,
  5. Inspectorate

The Service’s main organizational units not located in the Main Office include: field offices (16 field offices) and the Immigration Reception Centre.

Field offices

Field offices of Service for Foreigners Affairs conduct administrative and legal tasks relative to movement and stay of aliens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In addition to legal tasks, field offices are responsible for inspection and control over the implementation of regulations on movement and stay of aliens in Bosnia and Herzegovina; perform other tasks as planned by Service; execute orders and decisions made by Director of Service.

Inspectors for Foreigners who conduct inspection tasks are civil servants with special powers.

4. Staff data 
Currently, Service for Foreigners Affairs employs 80 civil servants out of which 30 are female and 50 male.

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Forensic Examinations and Expertise Agency

1. General Information
In May 2008, during the first stage of BiH police reform the following laws were adopted: Law on Independent and Supervisory Bodies of the Police Structure in BiH, Law on Directorate for Coordination of BiH Police Bodies and Agencies for Police Structure Support. In accordance with the above mentioned laws, three administrative units have been created within the Ministry of Security. Forensic Examinations and Expertise Agency was one of them.

2. Functions and Competencies 
Among other tasks, the Forensic Examinations and Expertise Agency is responsible for:

  • ballistic and mechanoscopy expertise;
  • chemical and toxicology testing;
  • dactiloscopy expertise;
  • biological testing;
  • bio-chemical testing;
  • DNA analysis;
  • specialist trainings ;
  • record keeping, statistics and database;
  • expertise in fires and explosions investigations;

3. Organization and Structure
Director and Deputy Director of the Agency are currently appointed. The Book of Rules on Internal Organization of the Agency and other bylaws relevant for its functioning are currently in the process of development and subsequent adoption.

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Personnel Education and Professional Development Agency

1. General Information
In May 2008, during the first stage of BiH police reform the following laws were adopted: Law on Independent and Supervisory Bodies of the Police Structure in BiH, Law on Directorate for Coordination of BiH Police Bodies and Agencies for Police Structure Support. In accordance with the above mentioned laws, three administrative units have been created within the Ministry of Security. Personnel Education and Professional Development Agency was one of them.

2. Functions and Competencies
Personnel Education and Professional Development Agency is responsible for:

  • Development, harmonization and proposal of curriculum plans and trainings programs in accordance with needs of BiH police bodies and other security services and agencies;
  • Organization and carrying out the education and professional development and specialist training programmes for members of the BiH police bodies and other security services and agencies (basic, specialist, continuous and other forms of police trainings), including:
  • Education of BiH police members at level 1 to obtain the rank of police officer;
  • Education of BiH police members at level II to obtain the rank of junior inspector;
  • Training on protection of persons and property for Agencies’ members;
  • Training for detective agencies’ members;
  • Professional training (courses, seminars etc.);
  • Development of research and publishing activities and contribution to overall improvement and modernization of police work;
  • Library tasks;

3. Organization and Structure
Director and Deputy Director of the Agency are currently appointed. The Book of Rules on Internal Organization of the Agency and other bylaws relevant for its functioning are currently in the process of development and subsequent adoption.

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Police Support Agency

1. General Information
In May 2008, during the first stage of BiH police reform the following laws were adopted: Law on Independent and Supervisory Bodies of the Police Structure in BiH, Law on Directorate for Coordination of BiH Police Bodies and Agencies for Police Structure Support. In accordance with the above mentioned laws, three administrative units have been created within the Ministry of Security. Police Support Agency was one of them.

2. Functions and Competencies
Agency is responsible for:

  1. Central data record keeping relating to members of the BiH police bodies;
  2. Unification of data related to required personnel and BiH police bodies;
  3. Performing analysis, reports and overviews deriving from the scope of responsibilities of the Police Support Agency;
  4. Contribution to elaborating and monitoring implementation of laws and other regulations related to BiH police bodies and providing expert opinions on application of these regulations;
  5. Provision of expert assistance to BiH police bodies relating to disputes submitted to the competent courts and other authorities, in case such assistance is requested by these bodies;
  6. Carrying out internal control over spending of budget resources;
  7. Material and financial records keeping relating to the Police Support Agency as stipulated by the law;
  8. On the basis of agreement with police bodies, proposing appropriate documents establishing equipment standardized for the BiH police bodies, to the BiH Council of Ministers;
  9. Development and managing of procurement procedures for needs of the Police Support Agency;
  10. Managing of tender procedures relative to specific equipment for BiH police bodies;
  11. Monitoring the development of information and communication technologies and possibilities for their application;
  12. Participation in designing programme systems for various databases and database maintenance.

3. Organization and Structure
Director and Deputy Director of the Agency are currently appointed. The Book of Rules on Internal Organization of the Agency and other bylaws relevant for its functioning are currently in the process of development and subsequent adoption.

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NCB Interpol Sarajevo

1. General Information
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina became the member of INTERPOL at the General Assembly session held in Dakar in 1992. The relations with Interpol fell under the responsibility of the BiH institutions after signing the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995.

2. Functions and Competencies
NCB Interpol rights, obligations and responsibilities are based on its INTERPOL membership. They are also in accordance with the Statute, BiH legislation and the Rulebook on Internal Organization. NCB Interpol Sarajevo performs operative, police, legislative and other expert tasks pertaining to establishing the cooperation with criminal police, juridical and other institutional bodies aiming at combating all means and forms of crime. Special emphasize has been put on:

  • Acts against life and body, dignity and morality;
  • Acts against property;
  • Acts against economy;
  • Acts of terrorism and war crimes, and
  • Other types of international crime.

Interpol’s functions are as follows:

  • Reference point for international investigations
  • International telecommunication network (I-24/7)
  • Source of crime-related information
  • Liaison network
  • Establishment of policy on international police cooperation

3. Organization and Structure
See Organizational Chart in the Attachments section below.

4. Interpol's Staff 
Forty-two (42) posts are foreseen in accordance with the Rulebook on Internal Organization and Systematization of Bureau for Cooperation with Interpol. At the moment, it employs 26 staff members.

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FBiH Ministry of Interior

1. General Information
Police duties in the BiH Federation are being carried out by the FBiH Ministry of Interior and ten cantonal Ministries of Interior.

2. Functions and Competencies
Among other activities, FMoI is responsible for administrative, expert and other tasks, such as:

  1. Administrative issues related to FBiH citizenship;
  2. Monitoring the implementation of FBiH laws;
  3. Procurement of weapon, equipment and material-technical means;
  4. Elaboration and implementation of educational programmes, professional development and specialized trainings for the Ministry’s personnel;
  5. Scientific researches necessary for improvement of police work and technical-criminal; researches and expertise, in cooperation with relevant authorities or economic societies;
  6. Organization, development, modernization and maintenance of functional liaison systems and transmission of protected information of the Ministry;
  7. Organization of unified information system which is required for effective operations;
  8. Collection and maintenance of statistics and operational data which are required for effective operations;

3. Structure and Organization 
In order to achieve effective performance the following organizational units have been created within the FBiH MoI (FBiH Police Administration excepted):

  • Cabinet of the Minister
  • Sector for Administrative Issues
  • Police Academy
  • Inspectorate for Supervision of the Agencies for Protection of Persons and Property
  • Sector for Material-Financial Affairs
  • Sector for General and Common Affairs
  • Desk for Professional and Administrative Issues related to Public Complaints Bureau

(N.B. There is Public Complaints Bureau that works independently within the FBiH MoI.)

4. Staff
In accordance with the FMoI Rulebook on Internal Organization 235 posts have been envisaged for performing the tasks within the FMoI scope of responsibility.

5. Education / Training
The FMoI Police Academy was established in 1998. It conducts one year basic training for cadets who get the rank of police officers and six months training for cadets who get the rank of junior inspector. The FBiH and Brčko District police agencies conduct the selection procedures of candidates who will pass through the basic training. Police Academy organizes and conducts various specialized trainings in accordance with needs of police agencies. Various kinds of trainings are also organized and conducted by international organizations. Police academy also conducts training on how to deal with tasks within security agencies with appropriate certification. It also organizes continuous trainings for needs of the FMoI Police Administration. The following organizational units have been established within the FMoI Police Academy: Basic Training Section, Specialized Training and Development Section, Training Standardization Group, Weapons Handling Training Group.

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FBiH Police Administration

1. General information 
Police Administration operates within the FBiH Ministry of Interior dealing with operational tasks deriving from its scope of responsibilities.

2. Functions and Competencies
The FBiH Police Administration carries out tasks deriving from its scope of responsibility. Special emphasize has been put on the following:

  1. Taking direct measures in preventing and detecting criminal acts of terrorism, inter-cantonal crime, trafficking with narcotics , organized crime and other criminal acts pertaining to the jurisdiction of FBiH, as well as the apprehension of perpetrators;
  2. Providing criminological-technical expert opinions as requested by other competent authorities;
  3. Organizing and providing direct security services to eligible persons and premises belonging to the FBiH;
  4. Issuing, publishing and keeping records of INTERPOL international, FBiH and inter-cantonal pursuits;
  5. Cooperating with relevant prosecutor's offices related to processing the criminal cases.

3. Structure and Organization
FBiH Police Administration is composed of the following organizational units:

  1. Cabinet of the Director of Police Administration
  2. Sector for Police Support and Administration
  3. Special Police Unit
  4. Unit for Protection of Persons and Property
  5. Sector of Criminological Police
  6. Center for Forensics and Support
  7. Unit for Professional Standards
  8. Operational-Communication Center
  9. Department for Control of Manufacture, Trade and Transport of Explosive Substances

4. Staff
FBiH Police Administration currently employs 999 staff members. Out of that number there are 764 police officials, 58 civil servants, 176 employees and 2 advisers.

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Cantonal Ministries of Interior

1. General Information 
The Federation of BiH is composed of 10 cantons. Each of these cantons has established Ministry of Interior.

2. Functions and Competencies
Pursuant to provisions of the Law on Internal Affairs of Cantons were defined competencies of the Ministries pertaining to law enforcement of cantonal and FBiH laws and Constitutions of FBiH cantons. Inter alia, tasks and duties of cantonal Ministries of interior are as follows:

  • To secure public gatherings,
  • To protect life and personal safety of citizens, properties, facilities and other material goods in case of general danger or major violation of public order and peace, as well as in case of terrorists’ attacks and other violent activities such as armed rebellion;
  • Issuance of ID cards
  • Social number
  • Register Books
  • Motor vehicles registration
  • Driving exams and issuance of driving licenses
  • Procurement , keeping and carrying of weapons and ammunition

In all cantonal Ministries of Interior, tasks and duties within the scope of pubic security are performed by police. Pursuant to the Law on Internal Affairs of Cantons, police performs administrative, professional and other work and tasks related in particular to: protection of life and personal security of the people, protection of property, prevention and detection of criminal acts, locating and capturing the perpetrators and their apprehension to authorized bodies in those cases which are not under jurisdiction of the Court Police, maintaining public peace and order, crime investigation tasks, security, checking and regulating traffic on roads and protection of designated persons.

3. Organization and Structure 
Organization of police in respective cantons is established in accordance with competences shared between the FBiH MoI and Cantonal Ministries of Interior. Cantonal Ministries of Interior have different structures. There is not any unified model of organization of police forces which functions in the same way in all cantons.

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Ministry of the Interior – Republic of Srpska

1. General information
Police duties in the Republic of Srpska are carried out exclusively by the Ministry of Interior.

2. Functions and missions
As for policing functions, the duties of the Ministry of Interior are to:

  • protect life, human rights, freedom and private property;
  • maintain public order and protect society against violent threats;
  • prevent crime and conduct criminal investigation;
  • arrest and hand over the perpetrators of criminal acts to the competent bodies;
  • protection certain persons and facilities;
  • provide security at public gatherings, public events, cultural and sports ceremonies and other approved types of gatherings;
  • provide safety and traffic control on roads.

3. Structure and organization
The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska consists of several organizational units summarized by the organization chart in the Attachments section.

4. Staff data
As of February 20, 2009 total number of Police officers was 5.290, of which 6,29 % are female. The number of uniformed police officers was 4.333.

5. Education / Training
Police education and trainings for Republic of Srpska MoI are conducted at Police Education Department. The Department trains newly recruited cadets but also current police officers through upgrading courses. Continuous professional and advanced training for police officers is offered at the Department through regular seminars, courses and other forms of education.The Department consists of two main parts:

  • The Police Academy prepares police cadets in a 12-months program. The Academy curriculum provides professional and advanced training focusing on duties and required conducts for police officers. New recruits must hold a high school degree to be admitted to the Academy.
  • The Police College prepares the future inspectors. The duration of the College is 7 semesters (3,5 years).

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Brcko District Police

1. General information
The Brcko district was established as a specific unit of local administrative community under the exclusive sovereignty of Bosnia-Herzegovina and under supervision of the Office of High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Police of Brcko District, as institution, was established in January 2000 on the basis of the former Public Security Station Brcko. It is a multi-ethnic police service.

2. Functions and missions
Duties of the Brcko District Police are to:

  • Maintain public safety and order in the entire District;
  • Ensure full freedom of movement within the District with a special emphasis on the freedom of movement between the eastern and western part of Republic Srpska and between the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia;
  • Co-operate with the various police forces of the country.

3. Staff data
As of May 2009, the total number of staff of the Police of Brcko Distrikt is 297, out of which 254 were police officers. The percentage of female police officers is 12,56%.

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