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Prevention of violent extremism and radicalization


Handbook used during a training course developed by the Mission to Skopje


Police officers should be aware of indicators during daily procedures such as traffic checks and searches of people and homes. These indicators can be seen or found in the form of a sticker, document, flyer, clothing, jewelry or accessories, which could indicate membership in a group and/or financial or general support to that group. It is important that these findings be registered, because this could serve as a basis for research for expert teams. Some of the groups identified are not very active in Europe but still have supporters and financial support.

The publication is a shortened version of the manual COPPRA, prepared by the EU. This version is tailored to the needs of the Interior Ministry and will be used for day training for police officers. The contents of this publication may be used and copied for educational and other non-commercial purposes only with permission from the Ministry.