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Seminar on “Strengthening Capacities of Law Enforcement Agencies to better address Organized Crime, with a focus on Countering Trafficking in Human Beings”, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


The aim of the seminar is to tackle transnational threats in Mongolia caused by organized crime, with a specific focus on countering trafficking of human beings.


During the first two days of the seminar experienced criminal investigators in the field of organized crime and trafficking in human beings (OC/THB), educational staff from the Law Enforcement University (LEU) and prosecutors, will reflect on this specific criminal phenomenon and explore the requirements for a future national Training of Trainers (ToT) programme by studying existing national legal frameworks, operational guidelines and existing training curricula.

Based on this input, during the following three days, representatives of Transnational Threats Department's Strategic Police Matters Unit and Office of the Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Being will train Mongolian front-line officers and criminal investigators without specific knowledge of OC/THB issues. This will ensure that the specific needs and requirements of law enforcement personnel in Mongolia are taken into consideration. 

This seminar will aim to create awareness amongst the Mongolian law enforcement community in regard to the threats of OC/THB and will provide the necessary tools and knowledge to combat them. Additionally the ToT element will ensure that the Mongolian police force can develop future programmes and trainings on their own.