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Displaying 1 - 5 of 10 results

  • Manual: How to respond to domestic violence with a special focus on Albanian state police

    This manual is designed as a general guideline for all the stakeholders involved in the fight against domestic violence, with a special focus on the staff of the Albanian State Police, taking into consideration that they are first responders to domestic violence.

  • Training strategy for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    This training strategy was developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in co-operation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje and aims to establish the training system that will incorporate an effective methodology and procedures to establish the training needs and plan their delivery.

  • Child sexual exploitation 2012 fact sheet

    This fact sheet describes Europol's core activities and projects related to combating sexual exploitation of children in 2012.

  • Investigating exploitation. Research into trafficking in children in the Netherlands.

    Report presents the results of the research conducted in co-operation with Unicef Netherlands and is supposed to answer the question: "How and where are children exploited in the Netherlands, and how can they be protected from such exploitation?"

  • Understanding Hate Crimes

    This booklet aims to help police and prosecutors, legislators, local authorities and civil society organisations better understand the problem of hate crimes. It explains the significance of hate crimes and suggests how authorities and communities can prevent and better respond to hate crimes.