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Displaying 1 - 5 of 7 results

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Action Plan for Preventing and Combating Terrorism

    The Action Plan was drafted by the Working Group tasked to draft the proposal of BIH Strategy for Preventing and Combating Terrorism and related action plans and was harmonized and approved by the responsible institutions/agencies at all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Turkish Drug Report 2010

    This national report, produced by the Turkish National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, namely the Turkish National Focal Point of the EMCDDA, affiliated to the Turkish National Police, Department of Anti-Smuggling and Organised Crime, contains new developments, trends and in-depth information in selected issues.

  • Investigating exploitation. Research into trafficking in children in the Netherlands.

    Report presents the results of the research conducted in co-operation with Unicef Netherlands and is supposed to answer the question: "How and where are children exploited in the Netherlands, and how can they be protected from such exploitation?"

  • National Strategy on Integrated Border Management

    The Albanian IBM Strategy contains an assessment of the current situation in the field of border management and identifies the areas where improvement is necessary

  • Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies

    Recommendations to encourage and facilitate the adoption by States of specific measures to alleviate tensions relating to national minorities