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Workshop on democratic policing: police powers and oversight mechanisms, Minsk, Belarus


This workshop aimed at raising awareness of the good law enforcement practices and gaps identified among practitioners of the criminal justice system, policy makers and decision-making structures of relevant Ministries, as well as to identify recommendations for the implementation of these good practices into daily work.


This workshop was part of a series of regional workshops to disseminate the principles of the Guidebook on Democratic Policing. This Guidebook was produced by the OSCE Strategic Police Matters Unit (SPMU) with participation of police experts from the entire OSCE region. Some key provisions contained in the Guidebook are those which refer to the external oversight of the police and the use of police powers and authority, particularly in delicate situations when dealing with detainees and in public order management.

The objective was to identify concrete steps to operationalise into daily police work the good law enforcement practices identified in the Guidebook on Democratic Policing. This was achieved through expert discussions and exchange of experiences.

Participants in this workshop were found among civil society organisations and high level practitioners of the Police/Ministries of Interior and the Prosecutors Office, oversight structures, law and policy makers and decision-making structures in the fields of the workshop.

Methodologically, 3 invited keynote speakers provided lectures, in the plenary sessions, on the three subjects of the roundtable:

  1. Arrest, Detention and Custody;
  2. The Use of Force in Public Order Management;
  3. Oversight mechanisms.

In the working sessions, following the plenary sessions, the delegations of the participating States were provided with the opportunity to present their own regulatory systems, mechanisms and state of action/status of implementation of the aspects of democratic policing, mentioned in the plenary sessions, in their respective countries. For each subject, each delegation had 15 minutes to present their information. To help participants to focus more when preparing their presentations, a set of subjects will be sent to them by the SPMU well in advance.