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Displaying 1 - 5 of 50 results

  • Manual: How to respond to domestic violence with a special focus on Albanian state police

    This manual is designed as a general guideline for all the stakeholders involved in the fight against domestic violence, with a special focus on the staff of the Albanian State Police, taking into consideration that they are first responders to domestic violence.

  • Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

    This brochure intends to make a distinction between freedom of expression and hate speech, both from a terminology and a legal point of view, as well as to differentiate them from other related concepts, such as defamation and insult.

  • Guide “My safety depends on me”

    This guide, developed by the OSCE Mission in Skopje in co-operation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is intended for the pupils and members of prevention clubs within the schools.

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Trafficking

    This lesson is a part of the course "Training for Investigators into the Trafficking of Human Beings" developed by the Police Development Unit of the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje

  • Lesson 2: The Human Trafficking Process

    This lesson is a part of the course "Training for Investigators into the Trafficking of Human Beings" developed by the Police Development Unit of the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje